Miyerkules, Pebrero 13, 2013

New Year and New life?

Hi Arah and Etan,

We started this year with meeting new and other PKs from other churches.

We met in one of the fancy restaurants in the outskirts of the city. It was such a blessing to hear stories from fellow PKs. I could only pray that you were there to hear them too. It was really heart warming to know that there are people who share the same experience and the same sentiments as you do.

This new year, we talked about New Life. One of the reflections given by a PK was how our life as PKs are different from the other Christians. It begins with meeting Christ. Most Christians have stories that are made-for-TV stories. They were black sheeps in the family and they lived a sinful life. Some were addicts and hooked to drugs, alcohol, smoking and other vices. Their lives were changed when they knew Christ.

But most PK's don't have the same story. We could only envy those people who experienced a big turnaround in their life. We could only wonder how it felt? It might really felt good.

PKs are different. From the moment we were born, we are surrounded by loving Christian parents. Our earliest memories include singing Sunday school songs and short Christian choruses. The people we know are Christians. The activities that we attend to are Jesus-oriented. We do not know what a beer taste like and what a disco house feels like. We were taught early on that smoking was bad for it destroys our body - God's holy temple. We had curfews and they were strict.

We felt like deprived kids growing up. We were deprived of the good things of this world - the material things that people die for.

But then we realize that it was all good. That we should be thankful to our parents for raising us up as good little Christian kids. That we were not subjected to the evils of this world. As Susana Wesley said, what is the use of allowing kids to start bad habits only to break them when they are older.

It is only right to start a Christian life as young as we can. For it is the life that we want to live not only when we are adults, not only when we are young but all through out our life.  Our testimonies need not be dramatic like a "lost and found" story. Our testimony is that God is at work early on in our lives, for God knows us even when we were in our mothers womb.

The New Life need not be from a life of "hell" to a life of "heaven." New life is being born again in the Holy Spirit and this could be even when we are little kids growing up in church. For even little children can belong to God. "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old life is gone, a new life has begun."

And for us PK's, New Life begins early.